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Engaging with fb Events

Facebook has a really cool way to organize events and invite attendees. It allows you to send personal messages and request that each person RSVP.

It might seem silly, or perhaps downright stupid to use the Facebook Event system to organize your next Ladies Night or Sunday Football Party, but there are benefits.

The fb Event system will help you build Business Page fans. One idea is to request all event attendees to bring a printout of the event screen so you can pull their names (printouts) out of a hat for a special event prize.

You could also have a bring-a-friend contest during the event. The name of each attendee bringing a friend could also be placed in a hat for a random drawing.

The methods of building your fan base using fb Events are quite endless, and that's what we help you with.

Realize though that the fb Event management is a team effort between your employees and our team.

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